Episode #27: What Publicists Can Learn From Freelance Journalists with Hilary Weaver
“We want to give each other what the other wants. And, I don’t feel superior to you if you are pitching me. I’m just trying to do the best job I can for the people I’m working for.”
-Hilary Weaver, Freelance Writer and Editor
Freelance journalists are similar to publicists in that they often face the challenge of pitching stories to publications and building rapport with editors. But, seasoned journalists get to know the inner workings of the online publishing world, while publicists often do not. In this episode, we have a freelance writer and editor give a glimpse into what her world looks like, and through this, help publicists and content marketers create a better-informed media outreach strategy.
In this episode, you’ll hear…
A day in the life of a weekend editor at a lifestyle magazine
How to be a go-to source for breaking news stories
The similarities between a publicist and a freelance journalist
Our guest is:
Hilary Weaver is a freelance writer and editor (including weekends at Elle) who primarily writes about queer issues, reproductive justice, TV, and film. She also appreciates a good Nancy Meyers-kitchen reference!
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Show Notes:
:00 -- Britt introduces our guest.
:38 -- Britt asks Hilary Weaver how a weekend editor works.
2:57 -- Jackie asks if it’s ever appropriate to pitch a weekend editor.
4:20 -- Hilary talks about her beat-- where celebrity hits activism and where publicists come in handy.
5:50 -- Jackie asks what the typical turnaround times are for publicists providing comment for breaking news.
6:50 -- Jackie asks about the SEO strategy behind the lifestyle content she edits for.
7:56 -- Britt asks for top tips for writing effective headlines.
11:01 -- Britt asks what misconceptions publicists have about weekend editors.
14:04 -- Britt asks how Hilary pitches editors as a freelance writer.
16:35 -- Jackie asks if Hilary wants to be pitched the same way she pitches editors.
18:07 -- Britt asked Hilary how she established strong relationships with them.
19:45 -- Jackie mentions that Hilary seems to pivot according to publisher feedback. Hilary agrees and goes into detail about it.
21:00 -- Jackie mentions the similarities between freelance writers and publicists.
22:53 -- Britt asks Hilary how she finds her sources.
26:40 -- Britt asks Hilary to give a shoutout to a publicist. Hilary gives a shoutout to Kara Watkins-Chow at BerlinRosen.
28:54 -- Britt asks Hilary if she wants to cover anything else. Hilary stressed the importance of reading her work.
Things we talked about
Connect with Hilary Weaver
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