Episode #29: Explore Space Technology PR with Neel V. Patel
“I don’t want to talk to CEO’s necessarily. If a client is working on a specific technology, then the people I want to talk to are the engineers. I understand that the scientists, engineers and researchers may not necessarily be providing the kind of finessed lines or messaging that the company is necessarily after, but I’m looking to talk to them, because I want to know more about the technical details.”
-Neel V. Patel, on sourcing experts for his stories
Put on your spacesuits because we’re heading into worlds unknown with space journalist, Neel V. Patel. He sits down with us to what publicists should keep in mind when pitching journalists who cover highly-technical subjects for mainstream audiences. There are tons of details and nuances we had not considered before, so we’re very excited to share some fresh, actionable tips with you.
In this episode, you’ll learn…
How a science reporter writes about complex topics for the masses (& how that should inform your storytelling strategy!)
Which details matter when pitching a journalist in a technical space (no pun intended!)
Why CEO’s might NOT be your best representatives on interviews with technical reporters (no media training required!)
Our guest:
Neel V. Patel is a science and tech writer based in Boston. He currently works as the space reporter for MIT Technology Review, and has in the past written stories ranging from climate change, life sciences, robotics, urban design, transportation, and other related fields.
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Show Notes:
:00 — Britt gives an intro to our guest.
:40 — Britt asks how Neel takes niche, complex topics and makes them appealing to a broader audience
2:52 — Jackie asks Neel’s background and how he got into journalism.
5:20 — Jackie asks if this knack for translating complex topics comes naturally or if it’s a learned skill.
8:05 — Britt asks if Neel can tell when a publicist doesn’t know what they are talking about.
10:48 — Britt mentions that PR’s need to do their research, as stated by Neel just before.
11:20 — Britt asks what kinds of pitches Neel pays attention to.
14:18 — Britt asks what resources are helpful to include in pitches.
17:20 — Neel adds that company’s shouldn’t fear putting themselves out there— not just through their engineers/researchers but also being forthright with their weaknesses.
20:02 — Jackie gives the TL;DR.
22: 17 — Jackie asks Neel if he ever misreports and how he handles when that happens.
24:56 — Jackie asks if Neel makes corrections.
28:46 — Jackie mentions that publicists can have hard conversations with fellow journalists and not get “cancelled” as long as handled professionally.
30:36 — Britt recaps everything so far.
32:06 — Jackie asks if there are purely science-publicists out there.
34:16 — Britt asks Neel to give a shoutout to a publicist. Neel gives a shoutout to Matthew Flannery at Edelman. Caitlin Teahan at FleishmanHillard.
36:30 — Britt asks for final words of wisdom from Neel.
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