Episode #48: Refine Your HARO Skills with Casey Bond

Episode #48: Refine Your HARO Skills with Casey Bond

“Especially if it’s a broad subject that I’m exploring, I might get 150 responses in 24 hours. It’s more of a skimming process, but if I see anything that looks like it can be helpful in any way, I’ll sit there and read it for sure.


-Casey Bond, on reading HARO responses

We have a friend of the show, Casey Bond, back for more HARO and general press query tips. You may remember Casey from our “To Catch a Fake Financial Expert,” episode, where she uncovers a fake expert on HARO. Well, despite her large exposé, spammers have not learned their lessons. In fact, Casey shares the growing number of transgressions she’s spotting in her inbox these days. Even if your HARO game is on-point, you’ll still want to brush up on these latest tips to avoid future blunders.

In this episode, you’ll learn how to…

  • Stick out in a growing sea of HARO spammers

  • Avoid common mistakes when answering press queries

  • Be strategic in your expert’s offerings

Our guest is:

  • Casey Bond, money expert, freelance writer, editor, and content strategist. Her work has been featured in HuffPost, US News, Yahoo, Forbes, and more.

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Show Notes:

:00— Jackie introduces our guest.

1:05— Casey gives an update on her work life.

2:14— Britt asks Casey if she’s more prolific as a freelancer working from home.

5:40— Jackie asks if her story needs have changed since going freelance.

8:06— Britt asks if Casey pitches stories these days, or if she’s mostly receiving assignments.

9:00— Britt asks if Casey is still “inbox zero.”

10:22— Britt asks Casey if she still uses HARO.

12:25— Jackie asks Casey about a Tweet she wrote about receiving plagiarism in her inbox.

14:50— Britt mentions seeing HARO response specialists on Upwork. Casey continues to talk about the topic of common things she’s seen on HARO.

16:28— Britt asks Casey what plagiarism tool she uses.

17:20— Jackie asks if paraphrasing can be picked up by a plagiarism checker.

18:29— Britt summarizes some points from our last episode with Casey, then asks if she has any new tips for listeners.

22:05— Jackie summarizes to Casey what she was talking about from a PR perspective.

23:12— Jackie asks if Casey if she reads every HARO response.

24:08— Jackie asks Casey to summarize the best ways for publicists to connect with her.

26:55— Britt asks Casey to give a shoutout to a publicist she enjoys working with. Casey shouts out Heather Lovett from Deal News

Connect with Casey Bond

Connect with Jackie & Britt

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