Episode #36: Pick Up The Phone with James Crummel

Episode #36: Pick Up The Phone with James Crummel

James Crummel 520x693 website photo.png

“Never ever be afraid to send something to a newsroom.

The worst that can happen is they don’t cover it. So what?

-James Crummel, on emailing the general newsroom email address

Local news tips are coming your way from our guest, a local news anchor and segment host. He give us an insider look on how a local news station operates. From it, you’ll come out ahead with a more informed approach of how to reach out to a local news station— even when it’s not clear who you need to send your pitch to!

In this episode you’ll learn…

  • How a local newsroom operates and produces segments

  • What’s necessary (& not) to include in a segment pitch

  • Why you shouldn’t always hesitate to pick-up a phone

Our guest is:

  • James Crummel, an anchor at ABC 27 News Daybreak weekdays from 4:30-7 a.m. and at noon. He also hosts independent assignments, including a consumer savings segment called Show Me the Money.

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Show Notes:

:00 — Jackie introduces our guest.

1:28 — James shares a consumer segment he hosted that stemmed from a PR pitch.

2:35 — Britt asks what stood out about the pitch.

5:15 — Jackie and Britt asks more questions about the 3rd party expert.

7:22 — James summarizes what types of stories he likes to feature in Show Me The Money.

8:07 — Jackie asks James if he likes additional resources for web (spoiler: he does!).

9:45 — Britt asks if James would have sought out a different resource if Carfax had not shared it with him.

12:57 — Jackie asks James to describe the length and content of the pitch.

14:45 — Britt asked what time the pitch was sent.

17:22 — Jackie asks James to describe a typical day.

19:32 — Jackie asks when James checks his email.

20:30 — Jackie asked James why he got into reporting.

22:45 — Jackie and Britt asks if he ever interacts with his viewers.

26:35 — Britt asks James where else he gets story ideas from.

29:50 — Jackie asks how the general newsroom email address is managed.

31:27 — Britt remarks about the reason why we started the podcast.

32:40 — Jackie asks how to determine who to reach out to at a news station.

39:00 — Jackie asks James to give a shoutout to a publicist who does a good job. He gives a shoutout to Jackie!

Stories We Talked About:

Connect with James Crummel

Connect with Jackie & Britt

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