Episode #19: Learn Growth Marketing with Elaine Zelby

Episode #19: Learn Growth Marketing with Elaine Zelby


How can we leverage the efforts of the PR team? Can we leverage that publicity for other things? Can we turn that into social content? Can we turn that into an ebook or webinar?

-Elaine Zelby, on repurposing content across all marketing channels

After our episode with Josh Constine, we received quite a few requests to tackle more startup marketing topics. With that in mind, we're excited to bring you our next guest who will give us a glimpse into the world of growth marketing.

In this episode, you’ll learn...

  • What goes into a go-to marketing strategy

  • How PR fits into the growth marketing landscape

  • Why teamwork is crucial in a high-growth environment

Our guest is:

  • Elaine Zelby, Principal and Director of Growth at SignalFire, which touts itself as the, "first Venture Capital firm built from the ground up as a technology company." 

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Show Notes:

:00-- Britt introduces our guest. 

1:03 -- Britt asks how she walks her portfolio companies through their go-to-market strategies.

5:25 -- Britt asks how she crafts the right messaging with teams.

7:10 -- Britt mentions that she notices the importance of teamwork in decision making in the growth marketing world. 

7:58 -- Britt asks for collaboration tips for teams and contractors. 

10:23 -- Jackie asks for advice for teams tackling growth marketing with a small budget. 

12:46 -- Britt asks if there are any digital channels that many marketers overlook.

15:08 -- Britt mentions that she recommends podcast guest strategies for her clients. She mentions the challenge of not having the credentialing to backup their expertise. She asks for tips on how to tackle this challenge. 

17:56 -- Jackie asks about how to tackle growth marketing if they don’t know who their audience is. (Spoiler: Elaine explains that knowing your audience is crucial PRIOR to launch, and why.

20:24 -- Jackie mentions the importance of UX research, and Elaine goes into detail about this topic. 

21:14 -- Britt asks for final words of wisdom from Elaine.

Connect with Elaine Zelby

Connect with Jackie & Britt

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